Dem boys seh… Jagdeo can help mek Kaieteur safe
Whenever somebody jump over Kaieteur Falls de whole country does do in shock. People does end up talking bout it fuh a long time. Now dem boys come up wid a solution. Gerry Gouveia, Bee Kay, Maza and Mike Correia got to mek up dem mind to stand up at de falls just in case anybody else want to jump.
Wha dem got to do is wait till de plane fill up at Ogle. De pilot gun then send dem a message and dem gun fly out. But dem mightn’t be enough and that is why Soulja Bai and Moses decide to give Jagdeo and Donald a job.
Dem two is de people who does seh that de government don’t create jobs. Well dem lie. Dem gun get a full time job to stand up at Kaieteur, not de newspaper. De job got perks, nuff free food and dem don’t have to pay to fly to de falls. Jagdeo who like freeness gun enjoy this.
Yet dem boys hope that dem strong enough because somebody might run to de end of de falls and if de people who standing up deh not strong then de people who running over gun carry de people wid dem.
Of course dem boys don’t mind seeing Jagdeo disappear. Imagine a gyal running to him and he spread he bow foot to catch de woman. Two things can happen; de woman can either duck through he foot and continue on or she can hug him up and you know de rest.
But pun de serious side, all dem people who flying to Kaieteur should give dem passenger a parachute. This chute gun wuk because de ripcord gun be attached to de hut at de top of de falls so when de person jump de parachute gun open. Then dem gun have another rope to pull dem back. Jagdeo can hold that rope and again, in case he not strong enough, you know wha can happen.
Talk half and think about mekking de falls safe