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Rohee start he mischief


Old people always seh that rain don’t fall at one man door. That is a saying that simply mean that no single person falls on hard times alone. When disaster strikes a community it does not affect a single person or a single household. That is why people does seh that wickedness should not be a part of people plan. Last week, Rohee talk about putting pressure on de government. He seh that dem got nuff ways and he party gun support all of dem. He seh that de rice farmers protest would be de first set of protest; de sugar workers would be de second. Rohee probably miscalculate because a week barely pass and de sugar workers strike. Dem seh that dem striking fuh more pay, which is all well and good. Dem always striking fuh more pay. Dem estate producing more cane than when Jagdeo was president. Factory that couldn’t even mek smoke when Jagdeo was president now producing sugar almost like first time. De more sugar is de more pay but de sugar workers decide that dem gun tek lead up. Dem boys seh that from de time de government start to talk bout pay increase Jagdeo get vex. He is a man who don’t want to see nobody wid money. He is de man who don’t have to give back nutten although he and all get back pay. But he tell his Members of Parliament to give back. Then he tell de sugar workers that de government pay demself and dem got to pay de sugar workers. He didn’t tell de same workers that when he was paying himself he didn’t even give de sugar workers a cent. But people got short memory. De other day, de same Rohee seh that he got to mobilize dem sugar workers to protest when de coalition government shut down some sugar factories. He want to see protest because he want to get back in power—he and Jagdeo. He would tell de sugar workers to bruck de sugar factories. He should remember that dem boys still checking pun Pradoville and he can be one sad man who wouldn’t get time to organise another protest. Talk half and tell Rohee to stop de wickedness.

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