This female officer stole my money during a ‘security check’ at the airport
Dear Editor, I am reaching out to you today regarding a highly important and very disturbing incident that happened to me upon leaving the Cheddi Jagan International Airport yesterday afternoon Friday, 10/16. I was about to make my last exit to board flight BW526 when I was called over for a “random security check” by a female officer. She asked me to place my two bags (one overnight bag and the other my pocketbook) on the counter. She barely opened the overnight bag and put just one hand on top and asked me to close it. She then proceeded to open my pocketbook, asked me if I have a cell phone, I responded, “Yes”, she asked me to turn it on, I did so, then she asked me to turn it off. While I was occupied, she had both hands in my pocketbook but I never thought that she was about to steal all my U.S. dollars. I became suspicious because she was fumbling with her gloves. I noticed her pulling off the top gloves and still had on another pair of gloves. When she handed my pocketbook back to me, I decided to check for my money. It was COMPLETELY GONE. I told her that I can’t find my money and it alerted me to the gloves she was fumbling with and acting very suspicious. I noticed her getting nervous so I went with my gut and grabbed the gloves on her table. Lo and behold, there was ALL my U.S. dollars in her gloves. I quickly turned around to the officers that were at the door of the boarding gate and showed them this alarming evidence of theft. She kept saying, “I did not change my gloves, I did not change my gloves”. By then, a team of personnel was alerted and all reacted shocked and stunned at what has just happened. At this point, the thieving young lady who was employed to protect me, looked as though she had seen a ghost and was sweating because she was trying to destroy me. I am beyond distraught and disgusted by the actions of this young lady. I served as a Customs Officer for 16 years and I feel violated in my own country. I had to quickly leave after this or else I would have missed my flight. Before boarding, personnel informed me that they will check the cameras and do a full investigation on their end, but who knows if they will come through. I want this matter to be fully investigated to the highest degree by your office to prevent this from ever happening again to another innocent passenger. I would very much appreciate you contacting me as there are more specific details. My contact information is below and it is for your eyes only. Frustrated passenger