Power Sharing Government Should Not be Rushed
By Dr. David Hinds
The road to a power sharing government in Guyana is going to be rocky. There are a whole host of issues that would have to be worked through. Chief among them is going to be how to include the PPP in its present state in such a government. I do not believe it is a matter of trust between the government and the PPP; there are trust issues even within parties. Trust is best built by working together in critical areas of power execution. It is going to be hinged on how to navigate a shared government against the background of prosecuting the ills of the previous government. The PPP is bound to make a ceasefire an absolute condition for joining the government.
It is for that reason that I do not favor a rush towards a power sharing government in the short-run. There must be a transition phase during which some fundamental shifts would have to be facilitated. I shall elaborate in my next column