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A new book on Hitler that reminds one vividly of Donald Trump


One night during the election campaign, we were returning to Georgetown after a Berbice engagement. It was very late. When you travel late in the night from Berbice to Georgetown, darkness consumes you. You are in need of animated conversation. All of us in the car certainly were.

Someone was lamenting what a terrible country the United States is. The subject was gun obsession in America. I remember my little contribution was that America is too complex to understand. You have extreme negatives and great philosophical positives.

In terms of the positives, I pointed to the election of a Black president; the global reign of Black superstars in sports and entertainment; the concern for human rights violations in countries that Japan, India, China, Russia, etc just couldn’t be bothered with; philanthropic money that goes to good causes around the world, open immigration to Third World people.

But try as hard as you can to see America as superbly great, the US worries every Human Being on Planet Earth with its horrible negative sides. How can a country so rich, powerful, educated, diverse, amazing in its science and technology, medical research, engineering, inventions, intellectual qualities, its arts and literature produce a Donald Trump?

It is not that what comes out of the mouth, mind and head of Trump is the lunatic rhetoric of a small town governor whose presence the US population doesn’t know about or care about. This man is running for the president of the US and is the lead candidate according to opinion polls, for one of the two major parties.

There is an uncanny moment taking place in the world right as I write. A new book on Adolph Hitler has just been released and when you read the things Hitler believed in and the things that came out of his mouth, Trump just flies right into your consciousness. Here is an extract from an article on the book (Hitler’s World by Timothy Synder) by the author himself in the September 24 edition of the New York Review of Books; “Human races, Hitler was convinced, were like species.

The highest races were still evolving from the lower, which meant that interbreeding was possible but sinful. Races should behave like species, like mating with like and seeking to kill unlike. This for Hitler was a law, the law of racial struggle, as certain as the law of gravity. The struggle could never end, and it had no certain outcome. A race could triumph and flourish and could also be starved and extinguished” (end of quote)

Here now is an extract of a review of Donald Trump’s book, “Time to Get Tough: Make America Great Again,” in the same issue of the New York Review of Books; “Is Trump not the logical culmination of where Republican politics have been headed for many years now, going back to the Clinton and Bush presidencies, but especially during the tenure of Barack Obama?

Two qualities more than any others have driven conservatism in our time. The first is cultural and racial resentment, felt by the mostly older and very white population the GOP increasingly represents—resentment against a fast-changing, more openly sexual America, as well as against dark-skinned immigrants, and White House occupants, and gay people and political correctness and the “moocher class” and all the rest.

The second is what we might call spectacle—the unrelenting push toward a rhetorical style ever more gladiatorial and ever more outraged (and outrageous)” (end of quote).

From 1933 onwards Hitler demonic sermon was that Germany was weakened by the Jews and Western nations and it was time to make Germany great again. Hitler was obsessed that racial mixing in Germany had reduced the greatness of his country therefore the Jews must go.

When you read what Trump says about immigrants and Mexicans the resemblance to Hitler’s Germany is indeed very uncanny. Hitler spoke of mass deportation of Jews. Trump wants the mass deportation of illegal immigrants which total more than 11 million souls. There can be no doubt that there are subliminal drives in the mind of Trump that African and Asian Americans are also a threat to America’s greatness.

Maybe there wasn’t one person, not even one person on Planet Earth that took Trump seriously when he announced his candidacy. Obviously, American would not take such a madman seriously. But America has. The question that must tantalize the mind of any decent person is; after 82 years since Hitler rose to power in 1933 could a politician in the major country of the world in the 21st century enunciate an ideology the kind Hitler embraced?

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