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Five new ministers, old PPP legacy -What honourable house?

alan fenty, frankly speaking, stabroek news

I had given myself up to this month end/weekend to feel free to criticize harshly but constructively, the still “new” May 2015- Granger Administration.

Personal generosity, born out of conviction that some fifteen (out of 23) years of largely failed governance and management of national resources cannot be swiftly erased with instant success, made me decide that the APNU+AFC honeymoon should be a long sympathetic one. Current discoveries of rapacious financial improprieties allegedly by PPP/C- covetous operatives will be supplemented by still more revelations. As the governmental honeymoon ends, the “ruling” coalition, the Cabinet and government will have to balance the distractions of thievery, investigation and prosecution of former kleptocrats and the “embedding” of pre-emptive codes and safeguards for the new and the current, with formulation and implementation of their manifesto policies and progammes.

That’s why I felt that three/five months should be extended to the new arrivals to find their feet for a long journey into the horizon of hope and achievement- on behalf all who voted, couldn’t or wouldn’t. Anyhow, I now feel free to choose just five ministers whose portfolios and performance must attract constant scrutiny. Yes the President and the Prime Minister, the Justice Minister and Communities man are vital- as are all others but come follow me as I direct attention.

My Critical First Five…

The Minister of Health: Dr Norton once tested my weary eyes. Like the veteran Afro-Norton he is a real “PNC- product”. We see all that he has inherited– great scams and partially–functioning clinics and hospitals in rural and hinterland Guyana; a nursing school in need and high-end Health Specialists in short supply. We must be patient as he and his junior make do with the allocations from the half year budget. The nation must be healthy to be productive and comfortable- if not happy.

The Minister of Education: Our brilliant WPA Rodneyite of British Universities now has to superintend a virtual revolution in our education system- from nursery to tertiary especially a “High School University” that can still be the bedrock of intellectual development and achievement and status. And an institution to nurture practical innovations and inventions for that “Good life for all.”

Even as he oversees development policies for our culture, youth and sport, I know he has the personal support of historian–academic President Granger. He will need it.

The Minister of Agriculture: I wish him sustained good health. A healthy, educated nation must be well fed if that health and education is to mean anything. Minister Holder, something of a dark horse, well-kept secret, must also bear the brunt of the consequences of the PPP’s goings-on in rice, sugar, seafoods and yes, drainage and irrigation. And there must be diversification in agriculture- more in-land fish farming, more ruminant rearing, agro-industries- from canning to bottling new products- and the releasing of virgin land for hinterland farming. This agri-minister needs more than just “good luck”.

Public Security Minister Ramjattan: High-profile crime from violent robberies, rapes and car-jackings, to murder and massacres, can obscure any incremental success at crime- fighting. Relatives of victims, victims themselves and the general, scared, insecure public will never be impressed by crime statistics. It is the population’s state – and peace – of mind which must be considered.

I am of the view that this government’s approach to crime-fighting must focus onprevention. And prevention, of course, attracts resources of various types- from finance, vehicles, other modern facilities and equipment, specialist training, prosecutorial capabilities, etcetera. The needs are obvious. But I suspect that minister Khemraj will tone down aspects of his rhetoric when he accepts what “Home Affairs” Ministers- past discovered: that unless new morality, spiritual renewal and parental control and behavioural education are maximized, no minister of any government can prevent the ignorant in town, village or bar, from robbing and killing.

His remit will lead him to seek assistance to confront such causes as unemployment and parental neglect and to combat what will remain his own nemesis now- cocaine and weapons trafficking. His success will be our (national) success. So whenever we criticize we must reflect upon what we can do to assist him and his numerous agencies.

The Minister of Finance: Naturally the millions needed to render this country “viable”, have to be acquired (taxes, investment, loans, grants, and other levies), managed and used generally to fund everything shrewdly. Fiscal and financial management is no scenario for the inexperienced. His recent parliamentary budget blooper aside, Minister Jordan has the track record that should indicate competence. Let’s hope I’m correct.

So the above constitutes my first five they and their colleagues must operate in the milieu left by the PPP’s tenure. I will begin “judging” their performance by Christmas. But just what did this government “inherit”?

What a Legacy!?

What’s the environment, post May 2015? I’ll not be like super-critics who would find nothingpositive about any administration. But when the bigger picture, the greater “good” is sullied, tainted and bound to breed immorality, defiance criminality and general, disorder, one has to be honest. Even outraged.

No amount of opposition whitewash or valid identification of lapses by the 100-day government can mask two-plus decades of corruption, kleptocracy and the undermining of institutional and societal standards.

I won’t preach all that the APNU+AFC loyalists proclaim with justification. I merely remind that this government deserves some time to press its developmental accelerator I’m wondering through: what institutional group is there to monitor their mis-steps? And when will foreign governments and investors really step up assistance?

Honour? Always in short supply

Honour? Integrity? Role Models? Positive inimitable Reputations? Hard to come by these days. Frankly Speaking our current generation might be hard put to recognize what is good, gracious, acceptable and impeccable behaviours. Standards have dipped as the new morality beckoned.

The National Assembly should boast “honourable” members. Huh? All nice legal constitutional, Standing-Orders niceties, descriptions.

If, just last week, one honourable lady MP could accuse a collective lot of current assembly persons as having “befriended criminals” over past years, we know what she feels about their “honour”, their integrity.

I recall easily all the allegations made against numerous members of this “new” house that is the 11th Parliament. Never proven in any court of law. But the national Court of Public Opinion perceives. And knows. Remember my mantra: We choose, hopefully “the best of the bad lot” Over to our “honorable members.”


How Madame Gail must have found pleasure in deeming them” “incompetent” on Monday.

A PPP friendly Peeping Tom had sought to defend us paying millions for the little lady minister’s dental work. Bad-breath politics!

Now out of office, out of range of personal “treasuries”, he has to be hostile.

The multi millions spent on the buildings at High Street and Camp Street (GRA) could have funded below poverty-line communities, villages economies

‘Til next week!

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