The maximum pay for presidential advisors should be $300,000 per month
stabroek news letters
Dear Editor,
I read that presidential advisers are to be paid $500,000 each on a monthly basis. That is too much, sends the wrong message, and follows too closely on the plundering trail left by those who went. How about an all-inclusive maximum of $300,000 per month? If I can stomach something around that number, then so should the incumbents. The bottom line again: public service is not the place to score big.
Next, I must disagree with those who criticize the walkout from parliament of the Leader of the Opposition. It does not matter one whiff, whether he is absent or present; nothing is added. As they say in Brooklyn: same difference. To be real kind about this, I see his presence as an obstacle to improving the health of the body, and an ugly blot on the proceedings. The man is not concerned with the constructive management of issues. He is focused like Cadmus, of Greek mythology, in sowing dragon’s teeth with the same specific results in mind; like Cadmus this will come to disturb the already disturbed.
Then, there is Minister Ramjattan allowing himself to succumb to not-so-clever baiting, and responding through conveying inner contemplations, as to planned courses of action subsequent to audit findings. It is better to remain pokerfaced, iron-willed, and hold all cards close to vest. It keeps adversaries guessing, and wondering how much is brewing. Do not let others draw out and drag down to their shabby level. These folks like nothing better than living like this, and it forms part of their modus operandi; it is the sum of their combined intelligence, which is bereft of either éclat or panache. Thus rapier-like repartee is better than battleax blasts.
Yours faithfully, GHK Lall