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President Granger to address Cuffy250’s State of the African Guyanese Forum on Sunday

President David Granger will deliver the keynote address at Cuffy250’s Third Annual State of the African Guyanese Forum to be held on Sunday August 9 at the Critchlow Labour College. Cuffy250 is an African Guyanese organization dedicated to the revitalization of the African Guyanese community. Formed in 2013 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Berbice Revolt by the then enslaved Africans, the organization has been holding lectures and workshops on African Guyanese history and culture and other issues of interest to the group. It has also been mobilizing the communities to revive their organizations and to come up with developmental plans.

This year’s Forum is being held under the theme Guyana's Renaissance: The 50th Anniversary of our Independence and the Positioning of the African Guyanese. The Forum brings together African Guyanese to talk about the conditions of the African Guyanese community and to discuss the way forward. It also hopes to lay the groundwork for charting an African Guyanese Cultural and Socio-Economic agenda as part of the larger national thrust. The Forum would also hear a report of Cuffy250’s work over the last year in communities across Guyana.

In addition to President Granger, other speakers include Nigel Hughes, Audreyanna Thomas, Royston Peters, Realene Andrews, Vincent Alexander, Comica Johnson, Osafo George, Elsie Harry, Dr. David Hinds and African American Civil Rights Activist Faya Rose.

The Forum begins at 10am at the Critchlow Labour College. Registration is $200. To pre-register call 663-1549.

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