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The Presidency. The Transition, the Honeymoon--A close election: The Jagdeo effect?--Alan Fenty


Frankly Speaking--StabroeK News May 22, 2015

his man-in-the-street, 23-year-old column welcomes the Presidency of David Granger, as well as his brand-new administration which should be unfolding, personnel-wise, as you read this.

I appreciate the joy and euphoria of “victory” still being displayed by enthusiastic and relieved APNU-AFC voters. I, however, having been there-done–that, in terms of elections triumphs (and one loss’, 92) will not repeat the numerous sentiments of congratulations. Indeed, I absolutely admire President Granger’s eschewing even one iota of any political triumphalism. After all, GECOM’s- and APNU/AFC’s – final figures reveal a close race to the eventual winner’s finish line, did they not?

So in this my first working-class column of the Granger Presidency let’s first peek into just that – the presidency.

Guyana’s “Mister President”

Decades ago it would have been “Comrade President”, but in 1985 President H. Desmond Hoyte soon put the more socialist appellations to rest. So how a Guyanese Executive President is described defined and empowered? Our first source of reference must be the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

There are several articles of that Supreme Law- more than fourteen of them- which inform our understanding of that supreme Office. Eighty-nine (Art. 89) tells us that “There shall be a President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, who shall be Head of State, the Supreme Executive Authority and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic.” Now just the foregoing alone indicates the absolute authority and status of the Presidency. It is not an institution to be trifled with or to be inhabited by the unqualified, the discredited or the scoundrel-oriented. Dignity, integrity, ability, non- partisanship and statesmanship must be the hallmarks of any Presidency.

So will David Granger measure up? After a period of 23 years of not casting any ballot, I voted for him, so I hope so! He is academic, a military, officer-quality (OQ)-mind trained in Guyana, Mons, United Kingdom, Brazil, Nigeria and elsewhere. Frankly Speaking, I feel that the Granger Presidency will be fashioned, then defined, uniquely, by a few unprecedented factors.

There is the coalition accord; the pledge to be genuinely inclusive; the scrutiny of great expectations and higher standards to be demanded.

Summarily however, I feel that Granger’s take-charge, executive leadership characteristics will kick in ultimately. He is accustomed to giving advice; to teaching. Will he be given to taking advice? From chosen Vice- Presidents and other advisors? Time and Moses Nagamootoo will tell!

The Transition

“Man Fenty, you losers, you Party ain’t even leff a ball point pen in de offices fuh we man.”

That is what the PPP’s Moses Nagamootoo lamented to me upon the PPP’s assumption of office in October 1992. He knew that I was in charge of the losing PNC’s Election PR Campaign.

So it is to be different now (?) A very hopeful sign is the Joint Transition team comprising new government and opposition members. I suspect that some startling discoveries will be made. Responses to these revelations are bound to be significant. Interesting times are ahead. Immediately!

The May 26 Independence Day Inauguration is at hand on Tuesday. I failed to appreciate the rationale at first. Then His Excellency explained one main objective: to re- invigorate the sense of patriotism through respect for our Constitutional independence and its symbols no problem with that! A seamless transition to you.

The honeymoon:

Love within and without

In the politics of new governments the honeymoon period could be from three to six months. This period usually sees expectation (as per manifestoes), patience and, hopefully, support, co-operation and behavioural change. The latter takes a long time, as attitudes are involved.

The honeymoon will also attract new or continued love from internal and international suitors (investors). Look forward to the actions of friendly countries towards the new Granger Administration within this period.

Look forward too, to the opportunists courting the favour of the government through various guises- church, hefty donations, sport, public relations, environmental expertise, and ethnic specific NGO’s and many such clothings.

I suppose that the President for and of all, will knowingly tolerate, analyse and choose. The woodwork of new found supporters and professional opportunists could actually produce necessary talent with vicarious ambitions. After all, the American Embassy did speak of a new “loyal Opposition.”

For me, the governmental honeymoon will be a challenge to fulfill the Vows of the first 100-days Agenda. Happy honeymoon to all.

Race, Racial voting:

Jagdeo’s Effect

All of us, especially we who are politically matured and realistic, who welcome this change, will also realise that the recent elections demonstrated how deep-seated loyalties, of the ethnic kind, were adhered to and voted for.

I’ve just decided not to pursue this as I had planned (for) today. Let hope and positive thinking prevail as a government of all races strives to show that division could be overcome with equitable opportunity.

But this I must note: Frankly Speaking, the cuss-down, character- assassination, racist oriented campaign of Bharrat Jagdeo worked!

Look at the very final numbers- a five thousand-or–less close race. Analyse the numbers from specific regions. What do you find? There were many who being APNU/AFC, welcomed Jagdeo’s (gutter–style attacks, hoping he would cause thousands of his Party’s traditional supporters to turn away; to stay home or defect. I think not. I keep wondering about Jagdeo and young Indo-Guyanese minds.

This I also think: Except at election time we are not a polarized people! Divisions there are. Some nurtured and deep-rooted! But we are all destined to play pray, work, eat, sport and steal together.

Muse on these…

The President beat me to it: His attitude to his Presidential Guard.

What were/are his Excellency’s thoughts on those fake Statements of Poll?

Concerning Robert H.O. Corbin: Now an Elder? So Soon? Herman Orlando once brokered peace between Desmond and Hammie. He hurried back to Linden to calm troubled waters which flowed between David and Sharma. What now?

Name three post-elections defectors from PPP to APNU/AFC. Of course the President won’t say “defectors”, just converts. And congrats to GECOM on its ink!

Surely there must be some place for my friend F. Hamley C.

`Til next week!

(Comments? moc.oohay@ytnefnalla)

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