Cuffy250 Committee welcomes APNU+AFC Government: Urges a Guyanese nation that reflects the will and
The members of Cuffy 250 congratulate APNU+AFC on winning the confidence and vote of the majority of the Guyanese people in the May 11, 2015 elections. We congratulate President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo as they take up the mantle of leadership of our nation and remind them of their promises to those who have entrusted them with moving this country out of the dark days of division and marginalization on to its original promise of equality, justice, security and opportunity for all regardless of their cultural heritage, religious belief, race, ethnicity, sex, social class or sexual orientation.
Cuffy250 urges the new government to work for a Guyana where all citizens enjoy equal justice before the law, human rights and security and equal economic, political and social rights and opportunity, particularly in land ownership, education, employment, health care, security and justice. For us, the Guyanese nation must, in letter and spirit and through its national institutions and ethos, reflect the will and aspirations of all of its peoples.
Cuffy250 believes that a Guyana premised on and grounded in equality, joint-ness, inclusiveness and mutual respect will allow for the flowering of our collective abilities and talents in the service of national development and our Independence objective of One People, One Nation, and One Destiny. In our multi-ethnic society, ethnic unity and solidarity is indispensable and must be.
Cuffy250 wishes to remind the new leaders that for Guyana to be a State and Society of peace and prosperity, no single ethnic group or social class should in theory or practice or through law or cultural practice seek to dominate other groups. We also envision a Guyana free of violence of all forms and from any quarter, whether it be from the state or the family, and where the Government and Civil Society must protect all of its citizens, especially the least empowered, from such violence.
As an organization concerned primarily with the condition of African Guyanese, Cuffy250 stands ready to cooperate with the new government to ensure that the interests of that community are given due consideration in the policies of the administration. We are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with the APNU+AFC administration to help restore the nation and to work steadfastly towards its development for all Guyanese.
Finally, we would like to congratulate all those who made this new day possible. In particular, we wish to salute the African Guyanese community for answering the call of the Coalition to go to the polls and vote for National Unity and Change and for keeping the peace in the face of provocation in the days following the election. Once again our people have risen to the occasion when it matters.
Royston Peters
For Cuffy250 Committee